It's been a long and arduous road to get to this point, with many hours spent just trying to walk through doors. The button commands are assigned to wherever Lala swims in the tank. YouTuber Mutekimaru has been streaming the adventure of its pet fish Lala playing through Pokémon Sapphire ever since June of this year. Previously, this fish became viral for discovering a glitch in Pokémon Sapphire in the middle of its journey, nearly 18 years after the game's initial release. This unique format of streaming was started with Twitch Plays Pokémon years ago, but with a fish now having beaten Pokémon, it's possible that that the format has reached its peak. It's true: a pet fish-turned-YouTube streamer has gone on to beat Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, having finally beating Champion Steven thousands of hours in.